Facebook Data Extractor (Pixleads pro)

Consumer Data\” in Just Minutes and You Can Get More Potential Targeted Buyers from Facebook With Just 3 Easy Steps!
Capture Thousands of REAL Email and Phone Number from Facebook in few minutes!

Would You like to Generate Instant Leads and Profits from FB? Forget Manual Method – We Automate it ALL!See Video How it Work

This software will help you to get Highly Targeted Leads from Facebook, Build a Real Audience and Massive Email in any Niche you can imagine!

Consistent Targeted Traffic is essential for any successful business. As you know, all kinds of Web Traffics are not Created Equal. Occasional SEO traffic is not worth your time and effort. What you need is targeted traffic from people those interested in your product or service and ready to give you Money.


Advantages of Getting Traffic from Targeted Facebook Members

Facebook are the largest place for people to share their common interests, express opinion, discuss issues and post relevant content. Today, you will discover the Cheapest way to get a massive amount of Traffic from Facebook members who are interested in your topic. PixLeads software will take your business to a new level!

Where do Leads come from?Consistent Targeted Traffic is essential for any successful business.

The most traditional way to get leads is by buying databases of telephone numbers, email addresses or mailing addresses. As you can imagine, these lists are immense, which gives you a high quantity of leads, but the quality is notoriously very poor.

Alternatively, you can attend trade shows and other industry events and collect business cards the old fashioned way. Or you can stalk people on social media and try to get in touch with them that way through channels like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Leads generated in this way usually have great quality, but come with a high time-cost which limits the quantity that you will be able to generate.

But wait, there’s another way!

I want to share with you a new approach to lead-generation that will deliver both quantity and quality – it is based on Facebook data. Even a complete newbie with no experience with Facebook marketing or software can set up their own profit-pulling in a few minutes!


Now the Easiest Way to Get Targeted Leads and Optimize Your Sales without Spending a Dime!

  • Easily build Names and Email Addresses or Phone Number of Facebook Niche Group members.
  • Easy way to find Profitable Niche Groups on Facebook.
  • Easy way to find Targeted Leads base on keywords search.
  • Easy way to get all Friend List of your friends! (NEW)
  • You can add multiple group members Emails into a single list and import them to FB Custom Audience or Email/Phone Marketing list. (dont SPAM users)
  • No monthly charges – You pay only a one time only small charge.
  • Email are REAL, not email @facebook.com
  • Newbie Friendly.

Remember, you’re building LIFETIME FB LEADS for the first time ever, then you can send campaign at ANY TIME with a click of a button!

No More Boring Manual Tasks, Working Hard to Close Sales & Missing Out on Opportunities…

Don’t Believe The Hype About How Easy it is?WATCH THE 2-MINS VIDEO BELOW HOW TO GET THOUSANDS TARGETED LEADS PER DAYhttps://www.youtube.com/embed/UJ6yNhr8s2g?rel=0;showinfo=0;controls=1;autoplay=0;modestbranding=0

Using PixLeads software, you can easily find Facebook Niche Groups and Create a List of Name and Email Addresses or Phone Number of selected Facebook Group Members. This Members list can be add to FB Custom Audience list or target them with any genuine promotional method like Email Marketing or SMS/Whatsapp Marketing campaign. NOTE: The software only can capture FB users that set Email or Phone as public.
Get Access Now

This Is Why PixLeads Comes in to Save Your DayYou can Utilize this Highly Targeted Leads to promote anything you want


  • Sell your own products or services using FB Ads or Mail Marketing or SMS/Whatsapp Marketing
  • Make Huge Opt-in subscriber lists in different categories
  • Promote Affiliate or Dropship products in any niche of business
  • Brand awareness & brand perception
  • Promote Your Facebook Page or Website or any Business Channels
  • Forward them to Your own Facebook Groups or any Membership Groups
  • Send special ads including discounts, coupons, images, headlines, descriptions, call-to-actions, external links & more!

Get Access Now

3 Simple Steps



Search Facebook Group or Page

Select any Facebook Groups to set up a targeted list. You can insert any Keywords or insert FB Group ID to start searching. (No need to join group if Public Group)



Get Leads in any FB Group or Page

You can insert bulk group ID to captures more users from FB Group or Page. Also can insert keyword to search and find audience from FB. And PixLeads can get leads from your friends of friends too.



Copy and Save List

Copy and Save list in Notepad as TXT or CSV files. Name, Location and Email (not @fb.com mail) was captured. You can add multiple group members Emails into a single list.

Now, you can Simply Import the List to FB Ads Custom Audience or to Email, SMS or Whatsapp Marketing and Send Out Campaign to Them!

What PixLeads can Do?

  • Find Targeted audience from Groups
  • Find Targeted audience from Fanpages
  • Find Targeted audience from Friends of Friends
  • Find Targeted audience from any Keywords

Leads from FB Keywords : 106,148 leads in just a few days!


Leads from FB Groups : 32,701 leads in just a few days!


Leads from FB Friends : 80,664 leads in just a few hours!


Leads from FB Pages : 1,242 leads in just a few minutes!


Note: Result above from the software that we used on 2018. The latest result maybe different depend on latest FB API algorithm.

PixLeads Finally Makes Making Money on Facebook Hands-Free by Capture More Unlimited Targeted Leads!

Don\’t Forget, with PixLeads you can follow up with them or send Email or SMS or Whatsapp to them at ANY TIME! – \”MONEY is in the LIST\”

For Buy this software in low Price.
Contact here: 0305-5245594